Reading Comprehension Year 3 Vipers
In school when we teach reading we ensure that children respond to questions linking to the VIPERS skills. The poem included is one which I wrote myself to ensure I could cover several vocabulary questions.
Vipers Reading Domains Toftwood Infant And Junior School Federation
Stage 1 Year 1 Stage 2 Year 2 etc.

Reading comprehension year 3 vipers. Greater depth Year 6 reading. We have called them stages in case you have children working at a level which differs from their own year group. The main difference being in the S.
VIPERS is an anagram to help the recall of the 6 reading areas or skills that children need to develop in order to read well. Pen Close Swindon Wiltshire SN25 3LW. Each short text is accompanied by VIPERS reading comprehensions and the answers.
VIPERS is a brilliant way of getting coverage of all the reading doma. My mixed year 34 loved these activities. V vocabulary I inference P prediction E explanation RRetrieval and S summarise.
We looked at applying VIPERS to texts that could be used with a whole class a group or during one-to-one reading. TEACHING RESOURCES Literacy Shed Plus Free Resources Key Stage 1 Activity Packs. These tasks are focused around specific reading skills Vocabulary Inference Prediction Explain Retrieve Summarise which are linked to the SAT Content Domains.
A weeks worth of reciprocal guided reading activities to accompany an extract from the book The Twitsby Roald Dahl. We have daily guided reading comprehension sessions from Year 2 onwards to ensure that children read age-related texts and answer VIPERS Vocabulary Inference Predict Explain Retrieve and Summarise Sequence as our method to explicitly teach each skill. Preview Files included 7.
These whole class or group reading comprehension sessions are used as a powerful tool to allow all children to make progress in reading. Vipers cover the key comprehension skills in line with the new content domains. KS2 Reading VIPERS After half term year 5 and 6 English teachers will be setting a VIPERS sheet for the Monday reading homework tasks.
Here are some example VIPERS texts and questions to use for home learning. The first text was the opening to. This is a series of reading comprehension lessons using the VIPERS template from Literacy Shed.
I created these resources with Year 45 in mind but they are still a work in progress as I have to create the Non-fiction comprehension sheets linked to specific chapters in the book. Planning and text is attached each activity has instructions attached. Children are explicitly taught the skills of reading outlined in the National Curriculum and the KS1 and KS2 test domains through the use of VIPERS which were created by Rob Smith The Literacy Shed.
VIPERS reading comprehension Y4. Higher-order thinking try Alan Peats Guided Reading Questioning Framework app for suggestions Ensure texts chosen provide challenge breadth Speak to teachers in the next year groupstage for advice share ideas with colleagues For reference. They are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understand in order to improve their comprehension of texts.
The Reading Vipers can be used by both KS1 and KS2 with a little adaption. TEACHING RESOURCES Literacy Shed Plus Free Resources Reading Comprehension Packs. Free Resources Age 4-5 Age 5-7 Age 7-9 Age 9-11 DADWAVERS Reading VIPERS Vocabulary Ninja Christmas Resources Comprehension Plus More Resources Exemplar Resources Memberships Help.
Each stage relates to year group expectations. The same mnemonic can be used by both KS1 and KS2 with a little adaptation. The main differences being in the S - sequence in KS1 and Summarise in KS2 also in the Explain section.
Today I shared VIPERS with the Redbridge Assessment Network so I thought that I would share some of the resources here. Free Resources Age 4-5 Age 5-7 Age 7-9 Age 9-11 DADWAVERS Reading VIPERS Vocabulary Ninja Christmas Resources Comprehension Plus More Resources Exemplar Resources Memberships Help.
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